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you’ve invited to my funeral prayers
你们每个人都要来为我的葬礼助念  detail>>
you are invited
你受到邀请啦  detail>>
daddys with you in your prayers
只要你希望,爸爸就和你在一起  detail>>
s with you in your prayers
只要你希望,爸爸就和你在一起  detail>>
you are cordially invited to the party
恳请光临  detail>>
you are invited to come
敬请光临  detail>>
have a party at my funeral
在我的葬礼开个派对  detail>>
祈祷  detail>>
邀请  detail>>
you, my darling you
你 我亲爱的宝贝  detail>>
 n.  1.葬礼;送丧行列 (= funeral procession); 追悼会。 2.〔比喻〕不愉快的事;操心的事,有关系的事。  短...  detail>>
the funeral
葬礼176  detail>>
you are my love my angel you are you are
你是我的爱,我的天使,你是,你是! 你是我的爱我的天使  detail>>
you, my darling you, you
你,亲爱的你 你,我的亲爱的你,你 你,我最亲爱的,你 您,我的亲爱的您,您  detail>>
at my expe e
由我出钱  detail>>
e-mail my heart
电邮我的心 寄信到我心  detail>>
for you are my fate, my steet
因为亲爱的你就是我命运的方向  detail>>
you are my life my soul my gir
你是我的生命,我的灵魂,我的女孩  detail>>